Lifestyle Medicine Course

Learn to make healthy lifestyle choices
in a safe and encouraging setting.

An introduction to lifestyle medicine

Kinwell now offers group appointments on lifestyle medicine. This approach to primary care centers daily habits and activities as a way to prevent and treat chronic conditions like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular heart disease. 

This program of medical appointments addresses the pillars of healthy living identified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. 

  • whole food diet
  • physical activity
  • stress management
  • avoiding risky substances
  • restorative sleep
  • and social connection. 

In each session, Dr. Kathleen Tonti-Horne and Health Coach Heidi Beer lead a group of 8-12 patients via secure MyChart Zoom call. In addition to an informative presentation, each session will allow time for the group to share their experiences and tactics for managing challenging health conditions.

The fall courses starts in September with with 60-minute sessions over eight consecutive weeks. Winter sessions start in November and continue over seven weeks to accommodate for holidays.

Want to know where to start changing your daily routine? Ask your Kinwell clinician if our lifestyle medicine group appointments are right for you. To learn more about these group appointments, the fees involved, and to register, call ???  Learn more about Lifestyle Medicine by clicking the articles below.